6223 Love Mill Rd, Monroe, NC 28110 Telephone: 704-753-4977
2023 Sermon Videos
December 31, 2023: "Mission Accomplished" Luke 24:50-53
December 24, 2023: "Born to Die," Luke 23:26-24:6
December 17, 2023: “A Worry-Free Christmas” Luke 12:22-34
December 10, 2023: “Why Did Jesus Come?” Luke 4:14-30
December 3, 2023: “Christmas is a Season of Celebration” Luke 1:39-56
November 26, 2023: “The Choice Is Yours” John 8:48-59
November 19, 2023: “Who’s Your Daddy?” John 8:37-47
November 12, 2023: “Free Indeed” John 8:31-36
November 5, 2023: “Will You Die in Your Sins?” John 8:21-30
October 29, 2023: “Jesus, Light of the World” John 8:12-20
October 22, 2023: “Go and Sin No More” John 7:53 – John 8:11
October 15, 2023: Magnify the Lord With Me!” Psalm 34
October 8, 2023: “Living Water” John 7:37-52
October 1, 2023: “Debating About Jesus” John 7: 25 - 36
September 24, 2023: “Thinking Clearly About Jesus” John 7: 14-24
September 17, 2023: “What Do You Think About Jesus?” John 7: 1-13
September 10, 2023: “Straying or Staying?” John 6: 60-71
September 3, 2023: “Joyous Servanthood” Philippians 1
August 27, 2023: "The Bread of Life" Part III, John 6:41-59
August 20, 2023: “The Bread of Life” Part II John 6: 35-40
August 13, 2023: “The Bread of life” John 6:22-34
August 6, 2023: “Trusting Jesus in the Storms of Life” John 6:16-21
July 30, 2023: “A Miraculous Meal” John 6:1-15
July 23, 2023: "The Witnesses," John 5:30-47
July 16, 2023: “The Lord’s Supper” I Corinthians 11:23-26
July 9, 2023: "The Claims of Christ," John 5:19-29
July 2, 2023: “The Plight of Man and the Power of Christ” John 5: 1-18
June 25, 2023: "Growing Faith," John 4:43-54
June 18, 2023: "The Way of the Master - Part Three," John 4:27-42
June 11, 2023: "The Way of the Master - Part Two" John 4:16-26
June 4, 2023: “The Way of the Master” John 4: 1 - 15
May 28, 2023: “Why Trust Jesus?” John 3:31-36
May 21, 2023: “God’s word – Changing lives for Eternity”
May 14, 2023: “How to Be A Useful Christian” John 3: 22-30
May 7, 2023: “New Life in Christ” John 3:9-21
April 30, 2023: “Be Born Again” John 3:1-8
April 23, 2023: “The Authority of Jesus Challenged” John 2:12-25
April 16, 2023: “New Wine”John2:1-11
April 9, 2023: "Why Do You Doubt?" Luke 24:36-43
April 2, 2023: “A King's Welcome” Luke 19:28-44
March 26, 2023: Guest Speaker Dr. Eric Cook Union Baptist Association
March 19, 2023: “Come and See...”John 1:35-51
March 12, 2023: “Jesus is Everything” John 1:19-34
March 5, 2023: “The Word Became Flesh" John 1: 14-18
February 26, 2023: “Responding to The Light” John 1:6-13
February 19, 2023: "Jesus: The Word," John 1:1-5
February 12, 2023: “Gifted For Ministry”
February 5, 2023: “A Healthy Church Member is a Committed Member"
January 29, 2023: “The Clock Is Ticking!’ Genesis 2
January 22, 2023: “The Gospel is Our Lifeline”
January 15, 2023: “The Bible is the Word of God”
January 8, 2023: "Discovering Our Mission"
January 1, 2023: "Let's Go!" Psalm 122