6223 Love Mill Rd, Monroe, NC 28110 Telephone: 704-753-4977
Our Mission
Our mission can be summarized with four words: Gather, Grow, Give, and Go.
Gather: A church by definition is a gathering of believers in Jesus Christ. The local church is a community of faith that commits to meet regularly for worship, preaching, prayer, discipleship, fellowship, and accountability (Heb.10:24-25). Our mission is to provide an atmosphere that incorporates biblical community, ministering to the saints while extending a warm invitation to the lost to come and experience for themselves the love of God in Christ Jesus.
Grow: Christianity is a faith that promises genuine life change, however this doesn’t happen automatically, it takes time, effort and discipline. Spiritual growth can be defined as a pursuit of godliness (1Tim.4:7). Our mission is to help facilitate true spiritual growth in our members that leads to genuine life change. This is accomplished by the Spirit through the power of the Word (consistently preached, taught, read, and prayed) working in our hearts individually and corporately with the result of becoming more like Christ.
Give: The heart of the gospel is that God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever will believe on him will have eternal life (John 3:16). Our mission includes reciprocating God’s loving generosity as we give sacrificially of our finances, resources, time, and talents to equip the saints, minister to the hurting, be a voice for the voiceless, and to reach the lost from our neighborhood to the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ (2Corinthians 8-9).
Go: In the great commission, the Lord Jesus commanded us to “go” and make disciples (Matt.28:19). The church is not called to remain in a holy huddle but to go out and preach the good news (Mk.16:15), to care for the least of these (Matt.25:31-46), and as we have an opportunity to do good to everyone (Gal.6:10). Our mission as a church is to prepare our members to fulfill their ministry calling in the home, the schools, the community, the workplace, and beyond (Eph.4:11-12). Our mission is to be continually “on mission” for Christ.