6223 Love Mill Rd, Monroe, NC 28110 Telephone: 704-753-4977
Senior Pastor
Rev. Joe Query

A message from our pastor
We are delighted that you have chosen to visit us online. We are a body of believers whose affection is for Christ and his people. God has really been stirring the hearts and changing the lives of people within our fellowship which has generated great excitement and anticipation as we gather together each week for worship.
We are a mission focused church whose members are actively doing the ministry of the gospel, caring for the needy, and ultimately seeking to make Jesus Christ famous everywhere we go. We are committed to preach the Bible, teach the Bible, sing
the Bible, pray the Bible, live the Bible, and in so doing glorify the God of the Bible.
Feel free to look around our website to get a feel for who we are, what we believe, and what we are doing for Christ. But if you really want to get to know us, please be our welcomed guest in the near future and experience personally the warmth and affection that makes Antioch such a special place to serve and worship together.
May God bless you!
Pastor Joey
Associate Pastor
Rev. Andy Simpson

Youth Leaders